Episode 2: Redefine “Healthy”

The media’s painted perception of what “healthy” means is misguided, to say it lightly. The misinformation to say is driving life-altering habits for many, and it’s scary. If we can help serve as a voice for much-needed CHANGE, then we are doing our part, and it starts with this episode.

Listen to The Podcast Here

Key Points From the Episode:

  • Redefining what healthy means
  • Healthy from the dictionary is “not diseased” but that is not correct
  • Lerner’s dad seemed healthy but dropped dead at 52
  • There are different definitions of healthy but one real definition of health
  • How the definition of health affects people who are actually healthy
  • Change your view of health
  • Taking medications is like playing Russian roulette with chemicals
  • Drugs don’t make you well
  • Shareholders driving healthcare
  • Politics in healthcare
  • Media is affecting your health
  • Confirmation bias
  • Nutrients that help your body
  • What it means to be truly healthy.

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