Episode 13: The Deadliest Virus

Over the last couple of years, there’s been a lot of discussion about what The deadliest virus is on earth right now.

You might be shocked to learn that it’s not the one that has been in the media, … it is the media.
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Listen to The Podcast Here

Key Points From the Episode:

  • A virus story
  • How Derek resisted bad food and stuck to his great food and vitamins and he felt healed
  • Ben isn’t an anti vaxxer but he trust his body and builds it up
  • The fever and snot are your body trying to rid itself of the virus but people want to take drugs which keeps the virus in
  • The deadliest virus is not what you think
  • The media is the deadliest virus
  • Follow the money
  • People assume they are getting the facts from the news when it’s the person at the top with the money convincing you lies are the truth
  • BlackRock and VanGuard
  • You have to follow the money when you see these things in the media
  • Money and the media’s influence
  • How the news gets paid
  • Words are powerful
  • We have the power to stop watching
  • Think for yourself
  • Everyone is trying to sell you something
  • The psychological effects of the media
  • Become aware of what you are seeing
  • Become aware of your confirmation bias

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