Day Eight of Better Bladder Challenge (3 Minute Video)
Verify Your Diagnosis
Most of you who are accepting this challenge will have been diagnosed with a variety of ailments. Maybe you’ve been told that you have interstitial cystitis or maybe you been told they can’t help you. Patients with symptoms of recurrent UTIs can manifest themselves in different ways. There are five different components that play into each other. You have to look at all of these possibilities if you want to really get better.
1. Chronic, bacterial cystitis.
2. Pelvic floor dysfunction.
3. Food intolerance.
4. Interstitial cystitis.
5. Hormone deficiency,
You need to know what microorganisms are playing a role in your recurrent UTIs. Regular cultures are usually not enough.
Find out what microorganisms are in your bladder.
There are many PCR tests on the market but my favorites are:
- VeroDx UTI+ is ordered by a physician. Patients can self order MyDx
- Pathnostics Guidance test – pooled sensitivities and PCR
- Microgen – PCR and NGS
Make sure you are continuing to take a supplement like Purology ( for prevention.
Dr. Rocky Nelson
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